Reducing those bills coming through your letter box is something that everybody wants to do. If you can couple this with being green then great. Solar Panels are a top way of doing both. But, should you make your own?
Generating and supplying energy to a wide variety of residential and commercial applications, they are becoming home and business must-haves. And, as with anything, many people have tried their hand at making their own.
With technology improving on an almost daily basis, the big and bulky solar panels of the past have long been improved - leading to price drops and bulk manufacturing. Here is a five simple step list to help you on your way to building your own solar panels:
The Panel - As we all know, the solar panel is where the energy from the sun is collected and channelled.
Charge Controller - The fitting of a charge controller allows the regulation of energy flow. By helping to stop the overcharging of batteries they will have a longer life..
Battery Storage - With the energy being stored in a deep cycle battery, it is advised to keep a battery charged around 80% to ensure longer life.
Power Inverter - The electricity will be stored as a Direct Current (DC), and to get it to be used for household appliances it needs to be converted by a power inverter to Alternating Current (AC).
Start it up - After the purchasing of these four pieces, and they have been built, your household can soon be power by the sun's energy. The thing about solar panels is that regardless of how small (or large) you build one, there will always be scope for adding new panels as and when you want to.
Once the solar panels are set up you soon understand how much money is saved by them. It is generally suggested to have a professional company set it up so you can be guided into creating the perfect system for your needs.
Going green is a commitment, and one that needs to be stuck to. Generally, it will be advised to make photovoltaic solar panels if you are going to have solar energy but with homemade devices you can usually only use passive solar energy. The main issue is that materials are not as simple as they look to manufacture and are very specific, needing to be produced in the right conditions.
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